

Can Cinnamon Extract Affect Blood Sugar?

Can cinnamon extract affect blood sugar?

Cinnamon extract is a traditional Chinese medicine that has an inhibitory effect on diabetes. Modern science has shown that it can effectively reduce blood sugar levels in diabetic patients and also has a significant effect on clearing cholesterol.Of course, diabetic patients should not take cinnamon extract for a long time. This is because cinnamon powder itself has a high caloric value, and excessive consumption will cause serious damage to the human body of diabetic patients.But even so it is still very popular among diabetics.

Anti-infection effect: Cinnamon extract can inhibit the expression of RAW2647 cell cyclooxygenase-2 and carbon monoxide synthase produced in the body, and has anti-infective effects.Cinnamon powder has a certain inhibitory effect on acute and inflammatory reactions, has a preventive effect on adjuvant arthritis, and can avoid secondary diseases throughout the body.

Effects on the blood system: In vitro tests have confirmed that the ethanol extract of cinnamon powder and cinnamic aldehyde can inhibit platelet aggregation and have anti-thrombin effects, and cinnamic acid also has anti-thrombin effects.Physical experiments have found that the ethanol extract of cinnamon powder has an inhibitory effect on experimental thrombosis in rats caused by accumulation of toxins.In addition, cinnamon powder alcohol extract can also significantly inhibit the accumulation of toxins that cause liver qi stagnation and bleeding.

Anti-diabetic effects: Cinnamon extract can maintain normal glucose tolerance and increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin glargine. The phenolic oligomers in CE have diabetes-relieving effects. Different dosages of CE14d were given and found to significantly reduce the model’s Animal blood sugar levels can increase the level of insulin glargine in the jugular vein, which has the effect of reducing postprandial hyperglycemia.

Antimicrobial effects: Cinnamon oil can inhibit the growth and development of intestinal erosive Escherichia coli.Volga added with cinnamon powder has a more significant inhibitory effect on Helicobacter pylori. This effect is related to the antioxidant effect of green plants.


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Post time: Mar-04-2024