

Do traditional Chinese medicine herbs have wonderful effects? Chinese scientists confirm that Artemisia argyi extract can prolong telomeres by 20% after 48 hours

Artemisia argyi is one of the most famous medicinal herbs in traditional Chinese medicine, and has been known as the "King of Herbs" since ancient times.
According to medical history, during the Tang Dynasty, the medicinal king Sun Simiao used moxibustion with mugwort leaves and later lived to the age of 101; The saying goes, "My family has three years of Ai, but the doctor doesn't use it.". In modern pharmacology research, it has also been found to have functions such as antibacterial, sleep aid, and immune enhancement.
Recently, Taiwanese scientists published an article in Aging us, revealing the health potential of Artemisia argyi leaves from a modern scientific perspective. The results showed that Artemisia argyi extract can "repair" aging cells and extend telomere length by nearly 20%.
01 Intervention for 48 hours, telomere elongation by 20%
This study, designed by the team led by Zeng Ronghao from the Hualien Tzu Chi Medical Center in Taiwan, aims to understand the clinical efficacy of daily consumption of Artemisia argyi extract (AAW) on aging.
The researchers first extracted 300g of mugwort leaves through distillation, centrifugation, and other steps to obtain an extract with a concentration of 50mg/ml. Subsequently, the team used doxorubicin to induce aging of adult mesenchymal stem cells and treated them with different doses of mugwort extract for 48 hours.
Given that cell telomeres shorten with age, researchers used PCR to detect telomere length and compare its aging degree.
It was found that the telomere length of cells treated with Artemisia argyi extract was restored, and the higher the dose, the better the recovery effect. At 400 μ At a concentration of g/ml, the elongation of telomere length is close to 20%, which is equivalent to tracing back to approximately 25 years of cellular physiological age.
Figure caption: Protective effect of Artemisia argyi extract on DNA damage and telomere shortening
To further support this conclusion, researchers selected 15 month old elderly rats (approximately equivalent to 56 years old humans) for validation, and also observed a reversal in aging degree, specifically manifested in enhanced memory, cardiac function, etc.
As the "life clock" of the human body, telomere length to some extent determines our expected lifespan. This study reveals the protective effect of mugwort on telomere loss. Therefore, can we really use mugwort to solve the mystery of infinite lifespan?
Although the experimental data is promising, for now, applying this new research from the "treasure of traditional Chinese medicine" to life expectancy technology requires more rigorous clinical trials and argumentation. Harvard genetics professor David Sinclair stated that in order to scientifically resist aging at the current stage, we cannot blindly start. The prerequisite is to do a good job of monitoring, "just like driving without a dashboard."
02 Physiological age decreases by 20 years? Harvard professor's anti aging plan questioned
In an exclusive interview with scientists in the international anti-aging community by Time magazine, Professor Sinclair revealed that he draws blood every three months for health monitoring. At the age of 53, he is 20 years younger than his actual physical age.
As a renowned scholar, although Sinclair is well-known, China's progress in systematic aging testing seems to be superior. The first comprehensive anti-aging service platform in China, "Time Pi", has been continuously iterating its detection system "Time Ruler" since 2019. Now, when clicking on its official website reservation interface, it displays a 3.0 version that includes five dimensions and more than 200 physiological indicators.
"We have introduced the so-called 'gold standard' TRF scheme, which can be precise to the level of base pairs, when detecting the classic biomarker telomeres of aging," explained the official website of Time Pai. Compared to the detection method used by Sinclair, its collection method is still saliva extraction with low accuracy, and there are even subjects with an age error of up to 60%.
In addition, Sinclair's so-called "precise anti-aging" service is actually nothing more than some clich é d advice such as "sticking to exercise" and "getting enough sleep". In China, after four years of industry accumulation, Time Square has invested more than 40 million research and development funds to launch an intervention service called time cure. The appointment backend shows that the time cure service includes more than 400 types of high-purity raw materials for "customized nutrition lines", And the 1.9 pressure high pressure oxygen chamber, known as the "best civilian oxygen chamber".
In December of this year, Time Party will continue to gather 30 authoritative scholars in the field of aging, investors in the life expectancy technology industry, and anti-aging geeks from around the world to hold the fourth "Global Aging Intervention Forum" in Shanghai. It is discussed that cutting-edge aging technologies will be gathered and implemented without cost or effort. Mr. Liu, the person in charge, stated that when investing in the life expectancy technology industry, our vision should be long.
"The current accumulation of 1 million fans by Time School is also a responsibility for us, after all, this is a desire of 1 million to explore the limits of our lifespan."
The mystery of aging will eventually be revealed at a glance
In the process of fighting against humanity's archenemy - aging, no matter where we go faster, it is our happiness.
Thanks to technological advancements, our lifespan has increased by 40 years in the past 70 years. Based on the increasing consensus of intervening in aging, Lynda Gratton, a professor at the London Business School, predicts that every person born in the early 21st century has a 50% chance of living to be 100 years old.
Whether waiting for material life technologies such as mugwort to leave the laboratory, or using ready-made testing and intervention methods to delay aging in advance, we are all approaching the centenary goal.

Post time: Jan-24-2024