

Skin Care Ingredient – Ginseng Extract (A Rare Beauty Product)

Skin care ingredient - ginseng extract (a rare beauty product)

Ginseng extract is extracted from the roots, stems and leaves of the Araliaceae plant ginseng. It is rich in eighteen kinds of ginseng monomeric saponins. It is soluble in water at 80°C and easily soluble in ethanol.

Ginsenosides can significantly inhibit the formation of peroxidized lipids in the brain and liver, reduce the content of lipofuscin in the cerebral cortex and liver, and also increase the levels of superoxide dismutase and catalase in the blood, and have antioxidant properties.

In addition, some monomeric saponins in ginsenosides, such as rg3, rg2, rb1, rb2, rd, rc, re, rg1, etc., can reduce the content of free radicals in the body to varying degrees.


Effects of ginseng root extract on skin
1. Anti-wrinkle and anti-aging Ginseng contains a variety of ginsenosides, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, which can promote blood circulation in subcutaneous capillaries, strengthen cell vitality, and promote collagen vitality.The phloretin in ginseng rhizome can also effectively improve the elasticity of the muscle base.These anti-aging benefits work together to reduce deep wrinkles, improve sagging skin, and enhance skin contour and firmness.
2. Moisturizing and nourishing ginseng extract or extract contains a variety of saponins and polysaccharides. It has good permeability, can deeply moisturize the skin, bring rich nourishment, provide the skin with a steady stream of nutrients, and quickly adjust the skin’s moisture balance. , prevent skin dehydration and bring soft and smooth skin.
3. Improve the skin and remove dirt and oil from the skin. As age increases, the skin of female friends begins to go downhill. At this time, you must learn to choose care. Skin care products using ginseng root extract can not only It effectively plays an antioxidant and anti-aging role, and can also provide the skin with the vitamins, proteins, organic matter, saponins and other ingredients it needs.For some dull skin, it can improve your skin problems from the inside out and make your skin fairer.
4. Hair care effect: Soaking the hair in ginseng liquid will increase the absorption of saponins, protect the hair fiber and thus play a hair care role.When the mass fraction of ginsenoside is 3%, it can enhance the tensile strength and elongation of hair and maintain the elasticity of hair.Made from ginseng extract and other auxiliary ingredients.
5. Anti-turbidity and purification Due to sun exposure, stress and reduced antioxidant capacity, it is difficult for the skin to resist turbidity and purification.Raw sun-dried ginseng and white ginseng in ginseng have been dried to retain more than 95% of organic matter, protein, vitamins and saponins.When ground into a powder essence, it can significantly improve dull skin tone.Ginseng active substances also inhibit the reduction of melanin, making the skin white and smooth.
6. Repair and regenerate cells. Ginseng extract can promote cell repair and regeneration, especially remove free radicals in the body, make the skin white and smooth, and constantly stimulate the skin’s regeneration ability. Even if you are over 30 years old, your skin will become damaged. It looks like I was in my 20s, more delicate and smooth.


Ginseng Extract Ginsenosides 80% (

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Post time: Mar-09-2024