

Tangerine Peel Extract

Introduction to the main ingredients of tangerine peel extract
The active ingredients of tangerine peel are mainly flavonoids, including hesperidin, rue naringin, naringin, neohesperidin and polymethoxy flavonoids (such as nobiletin and mandarin). The main chemical components include hesperidin, nobiletin, limonene, a-pinene, B-pinene, B-phellandrene, etc.
Introduction to the functions and values of tangerine peel extract
The limonoid analogs in tangerine peel extract have a considerable degree of pharmacological activity in inhibiting the body's inflammatory response, and can alleviate and improve enteritis, tracheitis and pharyngitis caused by bacteria.
The pectin contained in tangerine peel can lower blood lipids, delay arteriosclerosis, and make blood vessels younger and younger. Moreover, tangerine peel extract also has obvious oxygen free radical scavenging effect, which is very helpful for maintaining blood vessels.
Chenpi also has a certain preventive effect on arteriosclerosis. The pectin in tangerine peel can reduce the deposition of lipids in organs, thereby avoiding arteriosclerosis caused by high-fat diet.
Tangerine peel contains volatile oil, which has a mild stimulating effect on the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the secretion of digestive juices, eliminates gas accumulation in the intestines, and increases appetite. It reflects the aroma of tangerine peel in strengthening the stomach and reducing bitterness.
The volatile oil methylhesperidin contained in tangerine peel can dilate blood vessels, increase coronary flow, lower blood pressure and heart rate. The limonene contained in tangerine peel can stimulate the bronchus and cause increased glandular secretion, making it easier to spit out phlegm, thus achieving the phlegm-dispelling effect. . Methyl hesperidin contained in tangerine peel extract can increase the excretion of bile and solid substances in bile. Combining vitamin C and K4 can enhance its choleretic effect.

Post time: Jan-28-2024