

The Secret To Not Fearing Age: Free Radical “Killer” Glutathione, Whitening And Protecting Liver With Both Hands

What is glutathione?
Glutathione (glutathione, r-glutamyl cysteingl + glycine, GSH) is a small molecule peptide composed of glutamine, cysteine and glycine. It plays an important physiological role in the human body, including antioxidant, liver protection, whitening, immune regulation, and participation in metabolic regulation. In addition, glutathione is also involved in the regulation of the activity of many important enzymes and protein synthesis processes, which is essential for good health.


What are the functions of glutathione?
Glutathione is an important antioxidant that can scavenge free radicals in the human body, protect cells from oxidative damage, and thereby maintain normal physiological functions of the human body. In addition, glutathione also has the following important physiological functions: :

1. Whitening and antioxidant.
When the skin is exposed to the sun for a long time and is exposed to ultraviolet rays, a large number of free radicals will be produced, which will accelerate skin aging. Whether it is physical sunscreen or chemical sunscreen, it can only block part of the ultraviolet rays and treat the symptoms but not the root cause. As a free radical "killer", Gu Thione can scavenge free radicals.

Glutathione has strong antioxidant ability and can react with free radicals in the human body, converting them into harmless molecules, preventing free radicals from further oxidizing reactions, and fundamentally eliminating free radicals in the human body.


2. Protect liver and detoxify.
The end of whitening is to protect the liver, and the functional value of the liver cannot be underestimated. As one of the five internal organs, the liver stores blood and regulates drainage; it has functions such as detoxification, metabolism, and beauty care. If the liver is clean, your face will naturally be beautiful. How to make the liver clean cannot be separated from the free radical "killer" glutathione. Glutathione can promote the regeneration and repair of liver cells, and at the same time remove toxins and waste in the liver, thereby protecting liver health.


3. Regulate immunity and participate in metabolism.
GSH can promote T cell activation and proliferation, thereby strengthening cellular immune response; in addition, glutathione, as an important antioxidant, can protect immune cells from oxidative damage and maintain their normal functions.
Article Written By: Coco Wang

Post time: Mar-10-2024