

Valerian extract has good market prospects and growing demand as a sleep aid product

The market prospect of valerian extract is good, and the demand for sleep aid products is growing. Valerian extract is a substance obtained by using the dried roots and rhizomes of the plant valerian as raw materials, crushed and extracted by water extraction, alcohol extraction and other processes.The main components of valerian extract are volatile oils such as terpenes, terpene alcohols, bicyclic terpenes, terpenones, and terpene aldehydes, valerin, isovalerin, valeriopicrin, and divalerin Iridoids such as esters, alkaloids such as valerine, valerine, and valerine, as well as flavonoids, carboxylic acids, β-sitosterol, etc.

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Valerian is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Valerian family. The medicinal parts are the roots and rhizomes. It tastes pungent, bitter, and is warm in nature. It has the effects of driving wind, antispasmodic, and calming the mind. It can be used to treat bruises and uneasiness. , palpitations, insomnia, rheumatic arthralgia, dysmenorrhea and other diseases.Valerian likes moisture and can be cultivated artificially. It has the best planting effect in neutral and weakly alkaline sandy loam soils. It can be propagated by seeds and asexually.Globally, valerian is widely distributed in Asia, Europe, and North America. In China, valerian is widely distributed from northeast to southwest.

Valerian extract has antibacterial, antiviral, analgesic, sedative, soothing, regulating qi, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, antidepressant, hepatoprotective, antiarrhythmic, antitumor and other pharmacological effects.Because valerian extract can enhance the inhibitory process of the cerebral cortex and reduce reflex excitability and smooth muscle spasm, it has sedative, antispasmodic, analgesic, hypnotic and other effects. It can be used to treat insomnia, gastric cramps, dysmenorrhea and other diseases, and can also relieve anxiety. and depression.In addition, valerian extract has anti-viral, anti-tumor, anti-arrhythmic and other effects, so it can be used in the production of pharmaceuticals and health care products.

According to the "2022-2027”China Valerian Extract Industry Market In-depth Research and Development Prospects Forecast Report" released by the New Thinking Industrial Research Center, the market is currently paying high attention to the sedative and sleeping effects of valerian extract.Affected by factors such as increased work and life pressure, the number of patients with insomnia and sleep disorders continues to increase around the world. In China alone, more than 300 million people have sleep disorders, so the market has strong demand for sleep-promoting products. Taking valerian extract has a certain effect in treating insomnia and sleep disorders. In the U.S. market, it is listed as a sleep aid product with high demand along with melatonin. In 2021, the U.S. valerian extract dietary supplement market sales will be approximately $14 million.

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Post time: Feb-06-2024